
Trade Fairs in Italy, essential business platforms, now have a new dedicated solution, whose services extends to exhibitors.

Trade Fairs in Italy have a proven record of being indispensable business platforms for companies with operations in the country. They are a unique occasion to establish a direct business contact, much appreciated in the Italian business culture, and to display services and products. Every year in Italy the trade fairs organize, manage and host national and international events, capable of generating a very important turnover and promoting business partnerships and agreements.

Starting today, the video production company DMA International partners with Expo Magazine, to promote trade fairs in Italy and offer promotional services to exhibitors.

DMA International has developed a video production service dedicated to companies and trade fairs. The company has the opportunity to promote its products and services with a dedicated video that lasts about 6 minutes and is broadcast in partnership with Expo Magazine to over 2 million profiled business contacts.

The profiled users who receive the video are foreign Chambers of Commerce in Italy, Italian Chambers of Commerce, Business Delegations, Buyers, Trade missions, IP-marketplaces & trademark buyers, Marketing specialists, Local Distributors, Legal and Accounting specialists, Business matching services , Business scouting, Distribution & Logistics, Purchasing managers, Retail, Financial partners, Commercial partners, entrepreneurs and small, medium and large enterprises.

This initiative offers a unique opportunity to promote companies and a springboard for the Italian market.

Further information you can contact DMA International here.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio – Pexels